
Beginner/Intermediate 12 Week Face-to-Face Sewing Class Bundle

Original price was: $858.00.Current price is: $810.00.

12 Week Learn to sew Beginners sewing course, transitioning into the Intermediate sewing course lessons. Classes are located in Narre Warren North, Melbourne, Victoria.

Please ensure you have checked the timetable and secured an available position before making payment.

Note: makeup classes are not available

Making payment means that you have read and understand the terms and conditions.

Everything but the sewing machine is supplied for the beginners section of the course

Please note: There are no refunds and no make up classes.

Sewing Starter pack includes:

  • Dressmakers pins
  • Snipper Scissors
  • Tape measure
  • Dressmakers Scissors
  • Polyester thread (Dark colour)
  • Packet of Sharps hand sewing needles varying sizes 5-9
  • Chalk Pencil
  • Quick unpick and ruler